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Just ask AI

Chat with the world's most advanced AI
on any webpage in Chrome today with our Chrome extension!

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What does the fox says?

Write me a screenplay

Make me a CV

Black or White?

How to learn skying?

5.32 + 9.32 = ?

How to stay healthy?

What is privacy?

Count to ten

Where to go this month?

Enhanced privacy

Your data is safe with us. We prioritize your privacy while providing intelligent search assistance.

Ultimate AI

Unlock the power of cutting-edge AI technology. Get insightful answers and solutions with ChatGPT's advanced capabilities.

Unlimited queries

No limits to your curiosity. Ask as many questions as you want and explore endless possibilities with ChatGPT.

Boost your productivity

Boost your productivity with ChatGPT Powered Search. Access intelligent responses effortlessly and streamline your workflow.

Experience Intelligent Search

Transform your browsing experience with the ChatGPT Powered Search Chrome extension. Harness the power of AI to get intelligent and informative responses directly on any website. With enhanced privacy features, unlimited queries, and ultimate AI capabilities, ChatGPT Powered Search is your key to unlocking efficiency and knowledge.

Most powerful AI

ChatGPT, powered by OpenAI's cutting-edge technology, is an advanced AI language model designed to understand and generate human-like text. With its vast knowledge and natural language processing capabilities, ChatGPT delivers intelligent and informative responses across various domains. From answering questions to generating creative content, ChatGPT empowers users with its versatility and accuracy.

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Optimized for search and privacy

ChatGPT, powered by OpenAI's cutting-edge technology, is an advanced AI language model designed to understand and generate human-like text. With its vast knowledge and natural language processing capabilities, ChatGPT delivers intelligent and informative responses across various domains. From answering questions to generating creative content, ChatGPT empowers users with its versatility and accuracy.

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User experience with ChatGPT Powered Search

Unlock a New Era of Internet Browsing with ChromeGPT Powered Search: Read Directly from Our Satisfied Users. Explore In-depth Testimonials and Personal Stories Detailing How ChromeGPT Powered Search Has Revolutionized Their Online Experience, Providing Intelligent Responses, Enhancing Security, and Streamlining Their Browsing Efficiency with Unparalleled Speed and Privacy Protection.

How to use

With easy-to-follow instructions, users can learn how to quickly access and utilize the extension's functionalities to streamline their browsing experience and increase productivity. From bookmarks to widgets, How it works section ensures users can make the most out of the extension's features.